As a brand, we challenge ourselves to “peanut better”. To us that means not only making a product that’s better for people; it means contributing to making life better all around us. Here are a few examples of initiatives that we’re involved with.

We use a lot of plastic jars. We’re working every day to find innovative solutions to the plastic problem, which include looking to shift to post-consumer recycled material as soon as possible. People often ask us, “why not shift to glass?” It’s a great question, but it comes with a challenge. By switching to glass, we are going to start pricing people out of the market. Is it more environmentally sustainable? You bet. Can everyone afford Fatso in glass jars? Nope. So, for now, that switch is a no-go. That said, our current plastic jars are 100% recyclable from label to lid, and we’ll continue to strive to find new processes to make our operations as sustainable as possible.
Internally, we aim to continue to serve and benefit our employees with above standard employee policies including paid sick and mental health leave, a commitment to diversity and inclusion in our hiring and supplier selection, and participating in SMETA Social Audits.

FATSO folks are into living healthy lifestyles, and we’re big fans of supporting events that have health and physical activity at their core. We’re proud to participate in events such as City Shred and Nova Scotia’s Bluenose Marathon, where we can have fun and have an impact by promoting healthy, active lifestyles.